Children will be children !! Bruised knees and elbows, and the occasional ill health on campus are all part of school life. We have a well-equipped infirmary where first aid is administered and a nurse is on call all through the day. The infirmary has sick beds where children may rest till they are picked up for the day. All minor cuts and wounds are tended to here. Children are attended to with a great deal of love and compassion. We understand how alarming even the smallest of wounds appears to a child, when they are away from home. We take care of them with all the gentleness in the world.
Healthy Advice
It is of utmost importance to impart health education to our children so that they can become fit and confident individuals. All parents must ensure that children:
- Start the day with a healthy breakfast. It refuels the body and provides energy for the day.
- Take time while eating and chew slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to tell the body that you are full.
- Eat more vegetables and fresh fruits.
- Eat more whole grains.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Maintain personal hygiene such as trimming of nails/hair and stay neat on a regular basis.
- Exercise regularly.
- Have a nutritionally balanced diet.
- Drink enough water (either boiled or filtered) throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
- Must avoid consumption of eatables from roadside vendors and kiosks.
- Avoid fast food.
- Bring seasonal fruit to eat during Fruit Break.
- Carry paper soap to wash hands.
All children should also:
- be de-wormed at least once every year, as per the advice of the physician.
- have a dental and ophthalmic check once every year by well qualified specialists.
- be immunized regularly against prescribed infections and diseases.
- Children indulging in sports and physical activities should consume liquids like juices, lemon water, glucose etc. at regular intervals.
- Children taking extra coaching classes must carry extra food to avoid staying empty stomach for a long duration.
- Students suffering from diseases such as chicken pox, cholera, measles, mumps, whooping cough, dengue and jaundice must observe the prescribed period of quarantine.
- Students suffering from infectious diseases such as conjunctivitis, dermatitis & scabies etc. should not be sent to school until they have fully recovered and are fit to attend classes. The same must be certified by a qualified doctor in the form of a medical certificate to be sent to the class teacher.
- Students suffering from chronic diseases must be under continuous medical supervision of a specialist in the concerned field. A history of their illness, along with the treatment and the names of medicines and dosage prescribed by the doctor must be submitted to the class teacher/class coordinator as soon as the problem is diagnosed during the academic year.
- The school must be informed regarding any injury sustained by the child particularly if it has a lasting effect.
- Any special medication or ailment must be brought to the notice of all concerned along with supporting medical documents.