Assessment is an integral part of teaching–learning process. At KM Academy, assessment is conducted to create positive feedback and improve student performance. The examination system aims at bridging the gap between student’s current learning and age appropriate standard. We believe that continuous evaluation (Informed and uninformed) followed by regular feedback to learners, helps active learning. Parent-Educator interactions are held on a regular basis to share regular feedback and plan future growth of students.

Academic  Structure
The academic year is divided into two terms :-

First Term: April 2020 – September 2020.
Second Term: October 2020 – March 2021.

PRE-PRIMARY CLASSES: Evaluation is  based on regular observations throughout the session.

?PRIMARY CLASSES: Assessment and Evaluation is based on :
(a)  Regular observations
(b)  Informed and uninformed assessments.

STEP  III: Assessment and Evaluation is based on
(a) Unit Tests (2 cycles per term)
(b) Regular observations
(c)  Informed and uninformed assessment.

STEP  IV – STEP VIII: Assessment and Evaluation is based on
(a) Unit Tests (2 cycles per term)
(b) Regular observations
(c)  Informed and uninformed assessments
(d)  Summative Assessment (1 per term)

Grading Scheme
Assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic attainment will be done on the basis of given scales:
Step I – Step V

Percentage Key to Grade
Above 90% O Outstanding
80%-89% A+ Excellent
70%-79% A Very Good
60%-69% B+ Good
50%-59% B Satisfactory
40%-49% C Can do better
Below 40% D Needs Attention

Step VI – Step VIII

Marks RAnge Grade
91 -100 A1
81-90 A2
71-80 B1
61-70 B2
51-60 C1
41-50 C2
33-40 D

Assessment of co-scholastic attainment will be done on the basis of given scales:

Marks RAnge Grade
70.01 – 100 A (Outstanding)
40.01 – 70 B (Good)
Below 40 C (Pass)